Laser Fume Extractor manufacturers:
We are the best quality Laser Fume Extractor manufacturers in India and offering OEM industrial laser fume extractor for dust and fume extraction. Our OEM laser marking machine manufacturer using our fume extractor for their laser marking machine. It is extracts the 99 .9 % fume and dust during the laser marking process. Safer working with laser marking machine is most important. All kind of laser marking and process produce fume and micro airborne dust particles. Also laser lens also protected from fine dust to avoid damage. Maintaining ventilation and dust free environment for factory.
Our laser fume extractor machine attached with vacuum blower that produce more airflow with vacuum pressure to extract the dust and fume during laser process. Unit designed with Multistage filtration like prefilter, micro filter, HEPA filter, Chemical filter. It assure 99.9 % filtration efficiency @ 0.3 micron.
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